Labour had called for an election to fill the job of chair and to supposedly implant Fairwood Conservative into a Special Responsibility allowance.
Unfortuneately the FC had other ideas and decided to go AWOL for the meeting staying at home on the farm. Together with two Labour absentees, this resulted in a five a side match taking place. The vice chair duly held on and Nasty Nick ended up usurping the throne. Nasty Nick's record in the game is a quite impressive won 2 out of three.
Rumour has it that David Phillips was questioning the morality with some animation of those who had bothered to turn up. He was totally oblivious to the fact that the real reason behind his rancour was FC's absence.
This leaves the Tories in a rather asymetric format. One has two jobs, another has one and the FC is crying wee wee wee all the way home.
Now that I have dealt with the prolitariate wing who could forget Lady Pennard viewing the frolics from the farmhouse. It appears that an overdose of pow wow juice has lead her to issue an ultimatum. Give me the Deputy Mayorality or I'm orff!!