Thursday, February 15, 2007

A necessary measure

Following our last post about Labour's legacy, this item in yesterday's Evening Post, highlights the scale of the problem. As part of our commitment to education and to maintaining the City's assets we have found a one-off sum of £850,000 to invest in essential maintenance in the 12 worst school buildings in Swansea.

The Post's editorial is quite right of course, this is far from adequate, however it is the best we can do with the resources we have at the moment. The paper also says that tough decisions will have to be made to secure a long term solution. Those are the sort of decisions that Labour proved they were incapable of taking when they were in office.

In the best interests of our children we are looking to work with parents, teachers and local communities to find answers and to implement them. The danger however is that Labour politicians will pull their usual trick and try to turn the whole process into a political football. If they do that then they will be doing the City a gross misservice.

Update: The Inside Outers have, as usual got the wrong end of the stick. The extra money for schools has not come from the Welsh Assembly Government but from planned capital borrowing for 2007-2008.