Monday, February 26, 2007

Investing in our future

The proposed Council budget includes a massive investment in Swansea’s future. £10.5 million has been earmarked to tackle the mountain of school repairs inherited from the previous Labour Administration. This includes £850,000 for the twelve schools in the worst condition.

Work is due to start on a new Welsh School in West Cross, whilst money has also been set aside to finish off the refurbishment of the Leisure Centre. This is on schedule to re-open by the end of the year.

A new Central Library is to be opened in County Hall as part of a civic centre project that will open up this building to general public use. This library will be complemented by a new contact centre to make it easier for the public to access Council services. In addition a new bowls hall will be opened in Plasmarl to replace the one that disappeared when the Leisure Centre closed.

Investment is also starting to come into the City Centre with work having started on re-developing the old David Evans site and with more developers interested in investing in the City as well. The Council is proposing to complete the bus link to the Fabian Way Park and Ride site in the next financial year, whilst the new lanes for buses, taxis and bicycles in the City Centre has eased public transport access whilst helping to tackle congestion.

The Administration are also anxious to start work on rebuilding the Quadrant Bus Station and are waiting to hear if their grant application to the Welsh Assembly Government has been successful. This scheme was held up by land acquisition issues prior to 2004 but we have got it back on track. The intention was always to fund it from Assembly Grant, all we need is that money to be approved and work can start.