Thursday, February 08, 2007

Growing confidence

Despite the inevitable scepticism of the Inside Outers, tonight's letter from the previously unknown Community Councillor Gillian Evans does convey an essential truth. When you talk to business people and visitors to Swansea who have no axe to grind, they all have the same story to tell, the City is on the move again.

Councillor Evans says: 'What came across to all present was a general feeling of confidence. This was reflected in discussions with various business leaders who all felt that after years of stagnation under Labour (remember their long-harboured but over-ambitious plans for Castle Quays), the present administration is turning the fortunes of Swansea around.There is a positive buzz about Swansea and its future.' That is the opinion of many other people.

As expected one of Labour's stooges has posted his own comment on the Evening Post site querying her view but all he succeeds in doing is to highlight how things are different. Labour got the Liberty stadium underway but they left it to us to put in a proper business plan and to finish off the job where they had cut corners. SA1 Waterfront is of course an Assembly Government initiative, which we are progresssing in partnership with them, whilst Salubrious Place Phase Two was left to us to bring to completion, a not insignificant achievement.

What 'Malcolm of Morriston' does not comment on is the fact that the present Administration has got the first City Centre shopping development for over two decades underway, that new investment is coming into Swansea to bring existing buildings into full use and despite the difficulties of the implementing the new traffic system, most people acknowledge that it has made a huge difference to City Centre traffic problems. In addition a whole range of new investment opportunities are opening up and a lot of interest being shown in them. A major contrast to the stagnation of the Labour years.

Isn't it about time Labour stopped running Swansea down? Oh, and perhaps they could get a more reliable source as to what goes on in Administration Group meetings as well.